北海道大学 農学部/大学院農学院/大学院農学研究院
Laboratory of Natural Products Chemistry
X. Gao, F. Wang, H. Matsuura and T. Yoshihara
Theobroxide triggers jasmonic acid production to induce potato tuberization in vitro.
Plant Growth Regl., 47(1), 39-45
A. Elkhateeb, Subeki, K. Takahashi, H. Matsuura, M. Yamasaki, O. Yamato, Y. Maede, K. Katakura, T. Yoshihara and K. Nabeta
Anti-babesial ellagic acid rhamnosides from the bark of Elaeocarpus parvifolius.
Phytochemistry, 66(21), 2577-2580
F. Kong, J. Abe, K.Takahashi, H. Matusura, T. Yoshihara and K. Nabeta
Allene oxide cyclase is essential for theobroxide-induced jasmonic acid biosynthesis in Pharbitis nil.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 336(4), 1150-1156
F. Kong, X. Gao, K.-H. Nam, K. Takahashi, H. Matsuura and T. Yoshihara
Theobroxide inhibits stem elongaion in Pharbitis nil by regulating jasmonic acid and gibberellin biosynthesis.
Plant Science, 169(4), 721-725
T. Kawahara, K. Katoh, K. Nabeta
Highly oxygenated labdane-type diterpenoids, ptychatins from cultured cells of the Ptychantus striatus liverwort.
Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 69(8), 1606-1609
P. Li, K. Takahashi, H. Matsuura and T. Yoshihara
A novel micro-tuber inducing compound, (3R, 6S)-6-hydroxylasiodiplodin from a strain of Lasiodiplodia theobromae.
Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 69(8), 1610-1612
Trimurningsih, Subeki, H. Matsuura, K. Takahashi, M. Yamasaki, O Yamato, Y. Maede, K. Katakura, M. Suzuki, S. Kobayashi, Chairul and T. Yoshihara
Evaluation of the inhibitory activities of the extracts of indonesian traditional medicinal plants against
Plasmodium falciparum and Babesia gibsoni.
J. Vet. Med. Sci., 67(8), 829-831
K. Takahashi, H. Koshino, Y. Narita and T. Yoshihara
Novel antifungal compounds produced by sterile dark, an unidentified wheat rhizosphere fungus.
Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 69(5), 1018-1020
Y. Seto, Y. Kogami, T. Shimanuki, K. Takahashi, H. Matsuura and T. Yoshihara
Production of phleichrome by Cladosporium phlei is stimulated by diketopiperazines of Epichloe typhina.
Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 69(8), 1515-1519
K. Takahashi, T. Yoshihara and K. KurosawaUshikulides A and B, immunosuppressants produced by a strain of Streptomyces sp.J. Antibiotics, 58(6), 420-424
Subeki, H. Matsuura, K. Takahashi, M. Yamasaki, O. Yamato, Y. Maede, K. Katakura, S. Kobayashi, Trimurningsih, Chairul and T Yoshihara
Anti-babesial and anti-plasmodial compounds from phyllanthus niruri.
J. Nat. Prod., 68(4), 537-539
K. Kasahara, S. Nomura, Subeki, H. Matsuura, M. Yamasaki, O. Yamato, Y. Maede, K. Katakura, M. Suzuki, Trimurningsih, Chairul and T. Yoshihara
Anti-babesial compounds from Curcuma zedaria.
Planta Medica, 71(5), 482-484
Subeki, S. Nomura, H. Matsuura, M. Yamasaki, O. Yamato, Y. Maede, K. Katakura, M. Suzuki, Trimurningsih, Chairul and T. Yoshihara
Anti-babesial activity of some central kalimantan plant extracts and oligostilbenoids from Shorea balangeran.
Planta Medica, 71(5), 420-423
Subeki, H. Matsuura, K. Takahashi, M. Yamasaki, O. Yamato, Y. Maede K. Katakura, M. Suzuki, Trimurningsih, Chairul and T. Yoshihara
Alkaloids and 20-hydroxyecdysone from arcangelisia flava against Babesia gibsoni in culture.
J. Vet. Med Sci., 67(2), 223-227